To promote right-based
inclusive opportunities
for persons with disabilities
inclusive opportunities
for persons with disabilities
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To promote equal
opportunities for
persons with
opportunities for
persons with
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To promote right-based
inclusive opportunities
for persons with disabilities
inclusive opportunities
for persons with disabilities
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To promote equal
opportunities for
persons with
opportunities for
persons with
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Welcome to our
It is only through public awareness of the need for specially trained staff using special
methodology and a special curriculum that hundreds of disadvantaged children can be
brought out of the dark neglected corners to which they are consigned by parents who
know no better or cannot be bothered to do anything special for them. Call it by any name,
autism, learning disability, Down’s syndrome, or intellectually challenged, these children of
the Almighty do not need sympathy but rather a helping hand- sometimes a push upward so
that they can take their place in the sun. They need sheltered workplaces, independent
living homes where they can learn to live independently, and schools where they can learn
the basics of looking after themselves and not be a burden on parents or siblings.

Drops of water
Create an Ocean
Why Disabled? Why not Differently abled
Don't you believe so... Yes! Here is an opportunity to extend a helping hand to those who really need that.
There are children who are differently abled. It is better to describe these young friends with disability as a group of children requiring special needs. Of course they too have dreams….. to be hugged, comforted, pro- tected, loved, and moreover that to be recognised for their unique abili- ties.
Latest News
Bhavana cultural festival
Our group dance Children participated in group dance, group music, tableau, drawing, and painting. It was organized by Rotary Cochin International.
Dental Camp
Amrita school of Dentistry conducted the Dental Camp and distributed electric rechargeable toothbrushes for all students with the sponsorship of Aspire Systems Digital pvt.Ltd.
Super League Kerala Inaugural Ceremony dance team
The team performed a dance for the song of K’Naan ‘Wavin Flag’ for the inaugural ceremony of the spectacular Super League Kerala 2024! It was
Life Changing Video
Our fingerprints on the lives
we touch never fade
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