Vocational Training

Reena Memorial Samrakshana Society

In the vocational unit, children above 18 are trained in the laundry unit, the art and craft unit, stitching works, mushroom cultivation, aquaponics horticulture, and home management. This center has been a success for our institution because special trainees have a platform to implement their skills and become earning members of the family. The employees and trainees of this center are being paid a salary and stipend, which gives them a feeling of self-respect and belonging.
The students involved in these vocational activities have become more self-confident and more capable of handling matters due to their interaction with the public. The units aim to enable these children to develop better skills. Therefore, the training is structured to bring out the best in their abilities and acquire and use these skills in their day-to-day activities.
The laundry unit handles the laundry work of the Lotus Club and the Ramavarma Club. Stitching works take on contracts with two different firms that provide the raw materials.

The Aqua Farm unit cultivates organic vegetables and poison-less fish to help our vocational unit senior special employees with sustainable jobs and include them in society. To provide a viable, sustainable skill for the mentally challenged adult in farming and want to educate them in a simple way that makes their world better and can be an enjoyable hobby at the same time.

The mushroom unit began during the pandemic time. The crop quickly sold out in the local market. This unit should increase production and look for the big market because people become more interested in sustainable and locally sourced food.